Every book needs an editor!
A fresh, experienced pair of eyes will pick up issues in plotting, point out places where the pace flags and suggest ways the structure could be improved. Most importantly, an editor brings that objectivity and perspective that you, as the author, can’t apply to your own work.
I specialise in structural editing, also known as developmental or substantive editing, manuscript assessment or book-doctoring! This deals with the CONTENT of the novel and comes before copy-editing or proof-reading, ensuring that the story is as strong as it can be before correcting punctuation, spelling, grammar and conventions of British or American English.
A good structural editor will question…
Is the title eye-catching? Inviting? Intriguing?
Does the opening hook the reader so they simply must read on?
Is the idea original?
Is the story well-plotted and thought-through – with no weak spots?
Is your main character strong and engaging enough to carry the story?
Have you fallen back on clichés in plot or character?
Are there passages of repetition or inconsistencies?
Does the pace flag in the middle?
Do all your characters sound like unique, believable individuals and bring something to the story?
Does the ending not only deliver but tie up loose ends?
Note: In the editing process, typos, spelling errors and factual inaccuracies will be picked up, but please note this is a general edit on the content, not a copy edit or proof-reading.
Non-fiction editing
I have extensive experience in non-fiction editing, including educational and training materials, textbooks and specialist subject publications. I’m more than happy to consider your non-fiction project. Just drop me an email with some information and we can arrange a call to discuss.

When should I involve an editor?
I can help you at various stages of your journey into print.
Have you completed the first draft of your novel? Ideally, you’ll have shown it to a few trusted readers and absorbed their feedback.
Or, if you’re further down the road, whenever you have a draft that’s ready for a detailed edit. At either of these stages, a Full Structural Edit is the right option.
Perhaps you want to test out your idea, structure and plot before you start writing your novel? Then my Early Feedback option is a good choice.
For detailed comments on the first few chapters and synopsis, as would accompany your enquiry letter to an agent or publisher, Submission Feedback is for you.